Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Forecast calls for more rain. Yay.

Look all you want Landon, there's nothing out there except more rain.  It has rained almost nonstop since we have been in Virginia Beach.  

Desperate for some activity, Landon and I took a walk in the drizzle. 

We found some entertainment at the local mall...

Where we ate some dinner.  

Then hit target.

Day four we went for a sushi lunch, which was delicious.

Then we popped some tags at the Salvation Army.  Landon was looking for a boogie board.  

We tried to hit the beach.  

Some of us succeeded.  

Some of us failed.  Don't judge.  It was cold and it was raining.  Who wants to sit on the beach in the cold rain!?!?

Well then it started pouring so we all had to give it up.

Does this rainbow mean the rain is over?

On our last night of camping, we had a campfire and some s'mores!  

While we're sad to leave Virginia Beach we're excited to head down to the lake for last leg of the trip. This is the last time we have to pack up this car and break camp.  

Goodbye Virginia Beach! Here we come South Carolina!

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