Saturday, July 29, 2017

There is no place like home

It was time to head home, but on the way we had one or two more adventures.  We packed up from Pine Grove Furnace and started the six hour drive to our last camp site in Virginia.  Taking Kelly's good advice again, we made a stop in Gettysburg to take in a little history.  

President Lincoln and I were having a pretty serious conversation about his address when Landon very rudely inturrupted.  We later came to understand his motives were clearly linked to his allegiance to the the rebels.  

While we enjoyed a little silliness, we also found some some really beautiful scenery and a deeper understanding of our shared history.  

Gettysburg is literally spattered with monuments, memorials and historic sites.  We were surprised to learn that there wasn't just one battlefield.  There were several locations of battle and the audio driving tour was over 25 miles long.  We didn't really have time for all that, so we stopped at a few that seemed most interesting.  

We stopped at Big Round Top, Little Round Top, and Devils Den.  We hiked up the walking trail for a view of several sites before getting on with our drive.  

Driving was not fun.  We finally made it to Hungry Mother State Park in time for an evening swim in the lake.  

And then out for a quick bite in Marion, VA.  We found a Japanese style restaurant called Yummy Yummy and both had hibachi steak with soup and salad.  The place lived up to its name!  The steak was delicious and the ginger salad dressing was amazing.  

The town seemed pretty cool with a drive in theater and zip lining just outside of the park, but I was really ready to hit the road for home the next day.  I practically broke camp around Landon's sleeping body first thing in the morning.  We were packed, dressed and driving out of the park by 8:30.  Only 4 hours to go!

As much as I love being on the road and living in nature, I love returning to our very own habitat.  Marcus Lemonis (The Profit) welcomed us back to the land of television, air conditioning, and king sized beds with the promise of many more adventures ahead.

While we say goodbye for now, nature hasn't completely abandoned us.  

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