Friday, July 10, 2015

Almost heaven? West Virginia?

We had a great time in West Virginia despite the many obstacles and injuries.  Seriously we began getting nervous when by day two, we had an amputation, pneumonia, flat tires, broken windshield, sliced toe, spider bite and a hospital mixup resulting in a 3 mile walk. Only minor calamities struck our immediate family, but the devastation was very close.  Here are some of the closest cases.

Photo credit- Diane Girilou

Grandma Nora looses a finger.  Apparently she fell on a walk to pick up some chicken and caught her ring on a fence.  Janice and Blaine found her finger about 15 feet away from the scene of the accident.  Unfortunately they were not able to reattach it and had to take the last bit that was left.  Grandma Nora seems to be doing well and looks great despite being down one finger.  

Wyatt gets pneumonia.
While he seemed a little congested and not quite himself.  He began having breathing trouble on the first night.  A quick visit to the doctor confirms pneumonia.  Breathing treatments and some rest seemed to help.  To make matters worse, due to heavy rains and flash flooding, Tiffany & Chris lost power at her mom's which was necessary for the breathing treatments.  Tiffany had to bring Wyatt to the hotel where Janice and David were staying at 2am.  

Uncle Harold
Uncle Harold had a rough stay.  He gets his own category.  On day one, while trying to park his car, he ran over a spike and blew out his tire.  Then he scraped the whole side of the car along a fence (same fence that got grandma Nora?).  When trying to visit grandma Nora in the hospital, he was dropped off at the wrong hospital.  He only realized this after his ride left and had accidentally left his cell at the house.  He ended up walking 3 miles to the right hospital.  

Minor Injuries
We had a couple minor injuries along the way as well.  Kyndale almost sliced the tip of her toe off while playing hide and seek at the reunion.  Luckily we had a mini- triage unit ready and willing to disinfect, bandage and ice her up.  Maya got a bug bite at camp, but all the scratching caused it to get infected.  We took her to the doctor for some antibiotics.  

Flash Floods
Heavy rain caused flash flooding in parts of West Virginia while we were there.  The flash floods toppled over trees and knocked out power in several areas.  Landon's Mawmal lost power for two days.  This case was actually a happy surprise for the kids as we had to get a hotel room for the night and in turn enjoyed a late night indoor swim and a buffet breakfast the next morning.

Photo credit- Diane Girilou

Carrie's Broken Windshield 
On her way to the reunion, Landon's cousin Carrie broke her windshield while driving in from New Jersey.  A warning perhaps?

Photo credit- Diane Girilou

Getting Home
Grandma Nora, traveling earlier than planned due to her injury, Dianne, Craig, and Shelby were set to depart WV on Saturday afternoon via plane back to Arizona.  They got packed and headed out to the airport only to turn around when they got there because their flight had been cancelled.  Was WV trying to suck them back into a vortex of more bad luck? 

Photo credit- Diane Girilou

Photo credit- Dianne Girilou

Photo credit- Dianne Girilou

Photo credit- Dianne Girilou

Photo credit- Janice Moore

While these stories are full of bad luck and at times tragic, they didn't stop us from spending time together and celebrating the wonderful group of people connected by the bonds of strong family roots.  We had a great time at the Hudson Family Reunion.  

We came for salvation.
We came for family.
We came for all that's good that's how we'll walk away.  
We came to break the bad.  
We came to cheer the sad.  
We came to leave behind the world a better way.  
Avett Brothers - Salvation Song

Photo credit- Dianne Girilou

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