Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mamma popped that baby!

Welcome to the world baby Rowan Edward Ash Potteiger!  Born at 7:03 pm on July 12th and weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces!  

Let's back up a bit...

First of all we have never been so happy to cross the boarder into Ohio than we were coming from our visit in West Virginia!  

We arrived in Oberlin late Saturday night.  Ashlee and mom left to head to the hospital at 5:30 am on Sunday, July 12.  Sheppard, here now referred to as diadoux and or sheppy, woke up as they were leaving.  He was pretty upset about his mom going away to "Pop that baby Rowan," so Landon and I got up with him.  We spent the morning hanging out and playing with our sweeties.  

I finally headed up to the hospital around 5:30.  Apparently I was the lucky charm in getting Ashlee's labor going because she had no progression all day until I got to the hospital.  We joked that Rowan was just waiting on his aunt Yah-yee to get there before making his big debut.  

I even got to cut the cord!  It was so amazing witnessing the birth of my newest nephew and somehow being a part.  It was truly special!  

Sheppard gave Rowan his very first toy in the hospital.  Landon took the kids to McDonald's earlier that day and Sheppard got a happy meal.  The toy included was a minion.  Sheppard decided that Rowan should have the minion and brought it to him in the hospital.  

"Momma popped that baby." - Sheppard 

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