Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Michigan part 2

We've been having such a fun time in Michigan enjoying the family and the outdoors were thinking about moving in permanently.  I don't think Marci and Lee would go for it though!  

Landon and maya enjoyed the water sports while Kirkland enjoyed tubing.

Okay- this is technically the aftermath of several tubing trips Lloyd Lee and his friends took the kids on throughout the weekend.  They had so much fun!  

My view from the porch.  

Later we went for an evening boat ride.  Kirkland got to drive the boat and Kyndale got to hold Trey, Lloyd Lee and Katie's son.  

The next day we took a day trip to Lake Michigan.  It was about an hour away from Marci's house at Lake Gull.  The water was freezing cold but Landon and the kids braved the cold for a refreshing dip in the lake.  

This is as deep as I went.  

Landon and Kyndale hiked up a massive dune.  Lake Michigan is known for its huge sand dunes.  Dad suggested we visit Sleeping Bear Dunes, which has even bigger dunes, but that was several hours away.  We settled for these "small" dunes.  

The water was clear blue and for the most part you could see straight to the bottom.  

There was a cool little light house at the end of a long pier in South Haven.  Kyndale, Landon and I walked out there for a quick photo opp.  

The kids were embarrassed by my pebbles hair style.  Haha!

Kyndale liked the graffiti.  Meow!

Overall we had a fantastic time in Michigan.  It was really great spending time with the Wilcox clan and seeing everyone.  

Hopefully we can come back again soon for Christmas in July!  Once again, a big thank you to Dad and the Hammond family for hosting us and inviting us into your home!  We had a blast!  

For now, we're headed back to Ohio for a quick layover and then on to West By God for Landon's family reunion!

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