Saturday, July 18, 2015

AOL- Amherst, Oberlin &Lorraine

Rowan made it safely home from the hospital.  We all welcomed him home and in an effort to give mom and Ashlee some space to get him acclimated, we went on a few adventures around the Amherst, Oberlin and Lorraine areas.  

First we went to downtown Oberlin for the Minions movie at the Apollo Theater.  Supposedly this theater was purchased by Danny Devito with the intentions of providing affordable movies for the people of Oberlin.  This was Shepp & Melissa Rose's first movie experience.  They seemed to really enjoy it and stayed in their seats for most of the movie.  

Afterwards we all went to the park around the corner for some serious play time.  The big kids had fun too- Landon and myself included.  

We rounded out the day with a trip to the Dairy Queen for some ice cream BEFORE a dinner at home.  

The next day we set out for Lorraine and to see Lake Erie.  We were really disappointed with the conditions of the lake.  Swimming wasn't allowed and there was a good bit of trash and a few dead animals washed up on shore.  

The kids did get to chase a large flock of geese around, and Our little animal lover, Kyndale, was even able to catch one!  

The park itself was quite beautiful though.  We spent time enjoying the wide open space.

There was some silly business.

There was a spectacular rose garden and we had to pose for a commerative pic harkening back to our last major camping trip in which the kids posed for a rose garden pic in Philladelphia.  I beg your pardon, they never promised Mimi a rose garden!  

Melissa rose did not want to take the picture as she was busy smelling every rose in the garden and even kissing a few.  She walked up and down the isles singing "I love you! I love you! I love you!" to each flower.  

After a busy morning at the lake, we headed back to Amherst for another round of Dairy Queen.  I know.  Dairy Queen.  Again.  Landon couldn't resist the $5 lunch that comes with an ice cream.  No one seemed to mind too much.  

After a bite to eat, we went back to Oberlin to walk around downtown a little. We went to Ben Franklin's five and dime, the art museum, and the large Central Park in the middle of town. 

Finally we headed home to our sweet tiny baby Rowan and the farm house.  We began breaking camp in preparation for leaving.  First we had to shoo the chickens off the porch.  

Shep and Mel helped...somewhat.  

Leaving was difficult for all of us.  Even knowing we would be seeing the babies, Ash and mom again very soon, we all became a little emotional.  Shep put Landon and I in a full on head lock.  We really had fun in AOL, and will miss the guys like crazy.  

To my sweet babies:  
"You are the sweetest gift.  The whole world is in front of you.  Take things as they come and you will weather well.  Go everywhere.  Be brave and strong and free.  Look for goodness all around you.  And when you feel small in this great big world be still.  Think of your beautiful roots.  They are deep and true so let your light shine.  Have a grateful heart and always remember you are loved like crazy."

Up next...mystery location

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