Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Chasing Waterfalls

We went in search of some waterfalls near our campground. What we found was Linville Falls just a few miles down the Blue Ridge Parkway.

In order to see the falls it required a hike.
And hike we did!

There was also some resting involved.

We finally made it to the top and everyone was too tired. We were huffing and puffing but had made it up the mountain.

The view was spectacular!  Landon and I posed for a pic but got photo bombed twice!

We went a little higher up and could see the falls. While the view was breathtaking, we really wanted to be in the falls. Unfortunately due to many deaths and injuries, the falls were closed for swimming.

So we began our trek back down the mountain.

We did get at least a bit of a closer view.

We walked another trail with no views of the falls, but along this trail we actually found a small waterfall that we could play in. Here is a picture of Kendall pretending to be the little mermaid.

We refreshed our feet in the cold mountain stream.

Though the waterfall was small it provided plenty of entertainment!

Climbing into and out of the waterfall was fairly difficult.

But we stopped along the way for breaks again.

We had a great time at linville falls!

The next day we set out to find a man made waterfall. This came in the form of Paradise Mountain waterpark.

Waterpark seem to be a bit of a stretch for this little place, but the kids had no problem hiking up this hill to ride down the one slide. They did this over and over and over.

It was slightly overcast on the day we went and we wore plenty of sunscreen. We've heard from folks that you can get your worst burn on a day like that.

Up next: trout fishing & tubing!

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