Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ohio is for laundry, hair cuts, and crazy babies

We have now spent two layovers in Ohio and each time we leave we tell each other: "See ya in a few days!"  Its comforting to know I will continue to see them intermittently throughout the month of July.  

Doing laundry in Ohio is like doing dishes on vacation.  Moms of the world, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  Dirty dishes at the beach?  No problem!  Bring them on!  Why don't I care?  I guess because I'm going to go lay on the beach for the rest of the day and do absolutely nothing else- so what's a few dishes?  Laundry in Ohio is the same for me.  I have no problem passively folding clean clothes while chatting up my sister who lives hours away.  Add in a few drive by kisses from some of the cutest little angels on the planet and I'm happy as a clam!  Additional bonuses include no quarters required and the good stuff fabric softener.  Ohio is definitely for laundry.  

Landon seems to think I am a hairdresser.  As many of you know, I cut Landon's hair for him.  He does not like to go and have it cut by a professional and I'm not sure if this is because he is your typical cheap dad or if he just doesn't like that much intimate interaction with strangers.  Either way, I frequently find myself with clippers and comb in hand staring down a mean cowlick. 

After much procrastinating and dodging on my part, I finally agree to give he and Kirkland their haircuts before we get to West Virginia.  I do my best and cut their hair in the first layover in Ohio.  While in Michigan, I began to notice a few flaws here and there.  I didn't do a great job.  So on layover number two we trim again and tightened things up...or at least that was the plan.  I went a little too far with Landon's and had to do an overhaul on trip number two.  I think it came out okay...?  Ohio seems to also be for haircuts- good and bad alike.

Oh the crazy people you will meet in Ohio!  These babies are wild ones with personality to spare!  They did help me make some cornbread for supper in between playing with Landon, singing and dancing.  Little maniacs!  On our next visit, we'll be adding a new baby, Rowan, to the mix.  Ohio is definitely for babies!

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