Thursday, June 27, 2013

Heeyah in Maine they got lobstahs.

So we took a day or two off to rest and recuperate.  I slept a full day and then slept at the beach on the second day.  I'm still coughing my head off, but after four full days of fever I am finally feeling a little bit better.  

The kids find some cool sea creatures in the rocks!

The creatures get a little too close for comfort...  

The beach, Nantasket, is nicknamed "nanTRASHket."  While there were definitely some characters to be found at this beach, I thought it was picturesque. 

After a day at the beach we went home to a lovely steak dinner prepared by chef sweetie D.  (Landon). The steaks were deliciouso.

The next day we head up to Kittery Maine!  We made it all the way!!!  Landon looks excited huh?  

We did a little shopping for Maya's birthday at the outlets while Kirkland colored.  We call this "Baby Burke."

Need flip flops?  Old Navy now carries EVERY color.  Every single one.

Mexican in Maine?  Yeah it was one of the few options.  Big difference though- no cheese dip and no free chips.  They did have a salsa bar and some delicious avocado dip.  

We can't resist a good cut out.  Okay any cut out.

We call maya T-Bear when she's being sweet and Bear-Cat when she's being feisty, so we had to have her picture next to the bear.  Kyndale photobombed.  

Before heading back to our campsite we had to pick up some lovely Maine lobstahs.  See that nasty storm in the background?  That's foreshadowing...

That storm followed us all the way back to Boston.  We had to find another park with a pavilion in order to cook our lobstahs.  We finally began cooking around 10pm.  The kids put the lobsters in the pot. Kyndale was very sad about it, but was brave enough to go first.  

It was a lovely lobstahs dinner by citronella candle light.  The twins loved it. Maya was grossed out.  She gave it a try and we're proud of that.  She opted for hot dogs in the end.  

By midnight rain and lobstahs were done.  See ya latah Maine!  It was wicked awesome!

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