Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kids say the darndest things... Part one

  Here's what the kids are saying about the trip so far...

Well I am Regan & Landon's  nephew Kirkland  Pottieger and today June 9, 2013 regan put the hot dog cooker in the fire and turned it into a branding iron.  Landon placed it on the camping table and burned the table. 

Earlier today we had a disaster.  We lost the car keys and me, Kyndale, and my uncle Landon had to walk far to what seems like a long journey.  And then some lady picked us up and gave us a ride back to the camp. She also gave us our car keys and as you can see we are off schedule by a long time.!  

Kyndale declined her interview tonight.

Hey it's Maya day two on our excursion is what you would call a witty disaster. Starting with losing the keys, dad, Kirkland breaking his cologne bottle in the car and ending with the finale of a speeding ticket, mom. But we made the best of it.  Me and mom had fun packing the car twice. Me and Kendall were making jokes of how the cologne was covering up the stench of Kirkland's feet and finally when the police officer arrived we were all smiles. But leave it to us Moore's and Potteigers to make the best out of every bad situation. Well good night!

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