Sunday, June 9, 2013

Teachable moments

Day one of our adventure was full of teachable moments. Here's what we've learned so far:

1. How to build a fire- Always find dry wood to build a fire.  No matter how many times you try, your efforts will be futile if all of your fire building materials are damp.  Yes I know this seems obvious but even slightly damp will prevent a fire from catching.

2. Leave the glass at home- When traveling or camping never bring glass bottles of perfume or cologne. If you do, make sure they're in a secure place.  Frequent packing and unpacking of bags could cause the glass break.  If this happens your luggage, pillows and car will stink!  Not to mention your now ruined toothbrush.

3. Campsite cooking-  Never try to put 10 gallons of Low-country boil into a five gallon stockpot.  This makes for eating in shifts and hangry campers.

4. Nature- Check for ticks every night if you're in wooded areas.  Enjoy the nature trails but be sure to check for ticks  soon after. Check in the morning, check in the middle of the day, check in the afternoon, check in the evening, and check one more time before you go to bed.  Also keep your tent screens zipped tight!  Otherwise you'll have buzzing critters spending the night with you inside your tent.

5. Keep your keys with you at all times!  Nothing is worse than sitting in a fully packed car and realizing that you can't find the keys.  They literally could be anywhere! If you've packed, unpacked and searched everything in your luggage always check with the ranger station. Some friendly neighbor may have found them for you and turned them in to the ranger station, which may be 2+ miles away from your campsite.  Yes, this may mean you must walk there to retrieve the keys as without them you cannot drive, but keep your chin up, the walk will teach you to keep better tabs on your keys and will provide opportunities for quality time with your sweet babes.  

6. Watch your speed-  Virginia considers reckless driving 11 miles over the speed limit. They use radar guns to check for speeders and to make sure that no one is driving recklessly.  They hide behind trees and in between bushes along the way. While the officers are very polite, they will give you a ticket and a fine regardless of the three angels in the back seat.

7. Enjoy your time together!  Take it as it comes and learn from your mistakes. Great adventurers never come perfect!!

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