Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Four Seasons

Yesterday we pulled into the campground called the four seasons.  We originally planned to head into Pennsylvania and stay near Amish country just outside of Lancaster. When we checked online at available sites, there were none left with electric hookups. Now that we've done this a few times we realize the difference an electric hook up makes and don't want to live without them. So we rerouted to another place just outside of Pennsylvania in New Jersey called The four seasons.  The website looked super promising with pictures of the lake, beachfront, activities, arcade, and laundry facilities. More importantly, each site has electric & water  hookups. 

Upon further investigation we discovered that the four seasons was the perfect name for this place.  Many of the trailers/homes seem to be permanent structures and clearly have not been moved since the early 70s.  They are literally here for all four seasons.  

While searching out our campsite for the next three nights we stopped off at one of the bathhouses after a 3 hour drive from  Washington DC.  To say it was rustic would be an understatement. The bathhouse was over run with spiders, mold, algae and other wildlife. They look like no one had used them for at least 10 to 15 years.   These pictures do not nearly do them justice.

We were prepared to accept our fate at the four seasons, pitch camp and quickly find something to do outside of the campgrounds.  After all, every one of the sites that we will be visiting along the trip are unknown. We never truly know what we're walking into until we get there.

In looking for our campground spot we avoided Skunk Hollow for obvious reasons.  Ready to settle in at a spot near the dilapidated bathhouse at rabbit hill, the kids fortuitously stumbled across a much better spot.  Ironically the most beautiful part of the camp is Skunk Hollow.  We only had one neighbor during our stay and we were surrounded by a beautiful canopy of trees.  

I luck swung back the other way as the rain we had been running from since DC finally caught up to us in New Jersey.  We were in the middle of setting up camp when the sky opened up.  It was a quick and soggy set up and by the end everything was soaked inside and out.  We used towels and our fans to get the tent dry within a few hours. The night was saved with a trip to New Jersey delicious pizzeria.

The next day we woke up with every intention of going to see some sites; however, the long day in DC, the wet camp set up, and late night drying of our tent was enough excitement for a full day.  We spent the whole day hanging around the campfire playing cards making s'mores and enjoying some South Carolina barbecue up North.

Oh and we discovered a second bathhouse - one that was much larger and much nicer near the front of the campgrounds. The one we found at Rabbit Hill is never used because everyone in that area has RVs & therefore no need for a functioning bath house.  

Tomorrow Philadelphia.

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