Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Luray Caverns

We broke camp today at Chickahominy Riverfront Park in Williamsburg Virginia.  The kids were up and at 'em this morning sometime around 7 AM.  They were ready to move on to our next site!

Today we drove to Luray Caverns to see some stalagmites and stalactites.  Aunt Sue Sue and Uncle Jeffrey suggested the site and had tickets waiting for us when we arrived.  Thanks guys!! 

The Luray caverns are an underground cave system formed around 4 million years ago. The stalactites and stalagmites grow at approximately 1 inch every 150 years.  They are formed when groundwater seeps into a cave and reacts with calcium carbonate.  The result is the precipitation of lime which either drips from the ceiling (stalactites) or "piles" up on the floor (stalagmites).   

These pictures don't even begin to do the cave justice. The deeper we went the bigger the rock formations got.  We went down some 100 feet into the earth.   

When we return from the deep of the cave, we had a quick picnic lunch with a scenic view of the Appalachian mountains. 

Then we raced adults against kids through a hedge maze on the same property. There were four separate checkpoints within the maze and then the exit. While the kids led the way through all four checkpoints, the adults were the first out of the maze and therefore took the win.  They didn't like that too much! 

After a quick tour of an old-time car museum we made our way towards Leesburg, Virginia just outside of Washington DC. Were staying here for two nights with aunt Sue Sue and uncle Jeffrey while we take in the sights of our nations capital.

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